Saturday, April 17, 2010

Me and My Sister @ S$8.80

Reading level: Ages 4-8
Paperback: 24 pages
Product Dimensions: 7.8 x 7.3 x 0.1 inches

A little book about the big bond between two young sisters: Sister in the kitchen. Sister in my room. Sister in a box. Sister going zoom. Whew.

Being a sibling is about many things: sharing, having fun together, and sometimes not getting along. Me and My Sister lets readers experience all these things through the activities of two young sisters.

Together they have fun making a mess in the kitchen, but the fun is over when little sister invades big sis's room. All is well again as an empty box becomes a shared new toy, but big sister is not as happy about sharing her doll. Despite the troubles and because of the fun, the day ends with two tired sisters and the quiet sharing of a bedtime story. Goodnight!

In Me and My Sister, Ruth Ohi brings her remarkable visual talents together with her special way with words. Her gentle, expressive illustrations complement the easy, rhyming text to create a story that is simple in language but rich in feeling. Me and My Sister will be familiar, comforting, and wholly endearing to siblings of any age.

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